
Spalding Primary Academy

Learning Together, Succeeding Together

Student Council

Welcome to our Spalding Primary Academy Student Council

At Spalding Primary Academy, children are the heart of our school and everything we do! We strive for excellence in all we do and what better way to do this than by starting a school council, where the views and opinions of the children can be voiced and listened to. The Spalding Primary School Student Council is an exciting opportunity for pupils to share their views and the views of others to help make our school an even better place to be!


The school council includes children from both Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. The children will attend regular meetings and help with many areas of school life including policy making, fundraising and giving opinions. We look forward to an exciting year!




The children are elected into their role as class representatives by their class through a vote. The children present why they wish to be school councillors and then two are elected from each class.



At their first meeting, the children will be focusing and deciding on their targets and they will decide on roles for the groups. In the second meeting the children will bring ideas from other children in the school to be discussed, which will be narrowed down to form the focus of the next few meetings. The children will also be continuing to work on Rights of the Child. These rights describe what a child needs to survive, grow, and live up to their potential in
