Scroll down to see our long term and medium term planning
Curriculum Intent
At Spalding Primary Academy, we plan and deliver an ambitious and engaging curriculum, as set out in the National Curriculum. We teach a knowledge and skills subject-based curriculum.
This will enable our children to develop a deep knowledge across the curriculum, which is brought to life through a variety of rich and vibrant knowledge-based experiences.
Through our curriculum, we aim to encourage:
Our curriculum aims to align with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and the Equality Act 2010. Click here to go to our SEND information page find out more about how we make our curriculum inclusive and accessible.
The Trust Equality Statement, Equality Objectives and Equality and Diversity Policy can be found here.
Curriculum Implementation
We teach a knowledge and skills subject-based curriculum which is designed to help the long term remembering of content. Individual subjects are studied in depth so that the key learning becomes embedded in long term memory. This will enable our children to develop a deep knowledge across the curriculum, which is brought to life through a variety of rich and vibrant knowledge-based experiences.
We link content where appropriate through our reading and writing curriculum and we encourage a love of reading. In EYFS we teach a themed curriculum based around a story a week.
Implementation Tools
Curriculum Impact
Throughout their Spalding Primary journey, through our knowledge and skills subject-based curriculum, all children will be challenged to be inquisitive, resilient and confident in their learning and in life. Through quality first teaching, the use of learning partners and talking to each other, by revisiting and reinforcing core concepts, the children know more, remember more and can do more. They are able to make connections as they build their knowledge and develop their skills.
For additional information or if you require any further clarification on our curriculum please contact the school for details.
Curriculum Progression Documents