
Spalding Primary Academy

Learning Together, Succeeding Together

Privacy Policy

Personal Data and Information - GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)


Spalding Primary Academy is the data controller of the personal information you provide to us. This means the school determines the purposes for which, and the manner in which, any personal data relating to pupils and their families is to be processed.

In some cases, your data will be outsourced to a third party processor; however, this will only be done with your consent, unless the law requires the school to share your data. Where the school outsources data to a third party processor, the same data protection standards that Spalding Primary Academy upholds are imposed on the processor.


Child Information
To keep children safe and provide appropriate care for them, we require accurate and up to date information about:
• names, contact details and relationship to the child of any persons with whom the child normally lives
• names and contact details of all persons with parental responsibility (if different from above)
• emergency contact details (if different from above). We need to know that if the person(s) with parental responsibility is unable to collect their child, there is someone known to us who can collect the child and keep them safe until either the person(s) with parental responsibility is available or a more suitable arrangement is made. We need more than one emergency contact so we have additional options to make contact with a responsible adult when there is a welfare and/or safeguarding concern
• any relevant court order in place including those which affect any person’s access to the child (e.g. Residence Order, Contact Order, Care Order, Injunctions etc.)
• if the child is or has been subject to a Child Protection Plan
• if the child is or has been subject to an Early Help Assessment (EHA) or Child In Need (CIN) processes
• if the child is a Looked After Child (LAC) or previously looked after
• name and contact details of the child's GP
• any other factors which may impact on the safety and welfare of the child
The school will collate, store and agree access to this information, ensuring all information held electronically is stored securely with due regard to meeting data protection and safeguarding requirements. Schools need to make sure this information is accurate. We encourage parents to keep us informed of any changes to the basic contact information that we hold at any time but in addition to this our school will check information for all children at least on an annual bas



